School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School 2233 Village Square Parkway Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 2:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 p.m.
November 16, 2010 Regular Meeting
Agenda Item #19

Item Title
C-18 Travel exception request for out of state travel for SEDNET Project Manager.


In serving students with disabilities, the impact of legally mandated Response to Intervention (RtI) activities has created new interpretations of what is required as far as screening and services.  These changing requirements, combined with the increasing influence of organizations committed to inclusion as a civil right and an increased federal legislative spotlight on seclusion and restraint, necessitate that personnel and agencies serving students who need positive behavioral supports be aware of the latest methodology from experts in the field.  As a result, it is critical that the SEDNET Project Manager be aware of these latest practices.

The 8th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support March 10-12, 2011, is an opportunity to see how these increased requirements are applied by experts in the field.  SEDNET Project Managers have been encouraged by the Department of Education to attend this particular meeting and funds have been set aside in the Project grant toward this end.  While Clay County is the fiscal agent for SEDENT, there are three counties in the service area and all three will benefit from the Project Manager’s participation.  Because of the level of national expertise required for adequate training and participation in these areas, it is necessary to go to Colorado for this conference, regarded as the most helpful in providing the most up-to-date guidance in this complex area.  Your support of this exception to the travel restrictions is greatly appreciated.

Recommended Action

Approve request as submitted.

Financial Impact

$1,500.00 funded through the SEDNET grant.

Submitted By

Terry Roth, Director, Exceptional Student Education

Attachment:  Positive Behavioral Conference.pdf